Cure Your Yeast Infection
Knowing that you need to better understand this topic I recommend that you take 5 minutes to read what we have to say.
For a yeast contagion cure you have no further to look than your physician, your pharmacy, or your fridge. All three of these sources can hold just what you need for a great yeast infection cure.sIf we take our sources one by one, your doctor has the ability to give you prescription medications which can possibly a yeast infection remedy for you. For instance, the prescription drug Diflucan uses only one dose and is supposed to be a particularly efficient yeast infection cure.s
Other prescription medicine yeast infection cures include Terazol and Gynazole, both of which are vaginal creams, and also Mycostatin which comes in the form of vaginal tablets or vaginal suppositories.s
All of these have side effects which you should be mindful of when Taking them, as do the next set of likely yeast infection cure, the otc variety.s
Up until the very early part of the 20 first century it is shameful to admit but there were no over the counter remedies usable as a yeast infection cure. On the contrary, if a woman had a yeast infection she had to call her doctor to get proper medical checkup attention and to acquire a yeast infection cure.s
So though the offerings in this department are still sadly meager, they are still there and useable to anyone who doesn't care to publicize to the world, or their doctor, that they have a yeast infection.s
Though it is best if you get a proper medical examination for your yeast infection it cant be denied that with the availability of these creams a new world has opened up, and women can now deal with such a simple problem without any attendant fuss or hoopla.s
All the available over-the-counter yeast infection cures work on the same principles as the prescription medicine yeast infection cure, and most of them come in cream form, or suppository form. The more familiar brands include Monistat, Femstat, and Vagistat.s
Moving on next to the natural cures and remedies section, you will find that the number of alternate yeast infection remedy methods are too numerousto do more than give an honorable reference here.s
To that end only a few of the well known natural yeast contagion cure methods have been mentioned. To begin with well start off with everyones favorite the yogurt yeast infection cure. It can be messy in the extreme point to have to utilize yogurt to the vagina, but it turns out that it is well worth the effort.s
Another natural yeast infection remedy that is well known and exploited is that of the garlic cure. Being one of the wonder herbs of the world, garlic is good for many an complaint and is a in particular efficient yeast infection cure, especially when exploited as a suppository... to find more in this topic, please check our web site by clicking on our link below...s
I hope this article provided you with the information you were looking for. I have many other articles online that may be of interest to you.s
Michael Malega presents several Yeast Infection Cure articles for your information. You can visit Michael's web site at: Yeast Infection Cure
Natural Yeast Infection Remedies
Each and every one of us might have suffered from an infection at some point in life.It is not something new to this world as there are many who come up with yeast infections especially adults who are to be treated properly to tackle the situation. There are people who overdo things and wait for the situation to subside with time which results in making the situation even worse. This results in working up in haste with illogical treatments instead of effective yeast infection remedies which might prove to result in secondary infection.
According to scientific studies it has been proved that yeast infections are mainly caused by Candida albicans, a strain of yeast. They are normally found in a woman's vagina along with other strains in minute quantities which are kept under control by lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria that grows naturally in vagina. Whenever there is an imbalance in the quantities of these organisms, the person is likely to have infection. It is a distressing condition and moreover embarrassing. But do not worry because yeast infection remedies are available nowadays.
A woman always finds it embarrassing to discuss such problems with anyone, even with the partner. As a result many prolong their treatment suffering all the discomfort. Are you aware that yeast infection remedies are available in your kitchen? Yes, within your hands reach you can treat yourself with yeast infection remedies.
Applying apple cider vinegar in the areas prone to infection regularly is an effective treatment. Make sure that the concentration of vinegar is diluted with water. The itchy feeling can be controlled by adding garlic to it in minor amounts. Yogurt is considered as the best yeast infection remedy available at home. Soak curd in a piece of cloth and apply it on the affected area and leave it for an hour. The procedure should be repeated for 2 to 3 times a day for better results. Having plenty of buttermilk a day can decrease the chances of having yeast infection.
There are many natural yeast infection remedies like probiotics, boric acid suppositories and tea tree oil that are effective and free of any side effects. Now you do not have to suffer your symptoms silently when you have yeast infection remedies at home.
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Now Pay Close Attention Here-
There is a proven all natural technique which will help you get rid of yeast infection in under 12 hours. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to yeast infection then this is the most important message you will ever read- Click Here.
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Natural Yeast Infection During Pregnancy
If you find the information above educational and useful, read more about pregnancy and birth at and have a look at pregnancy work out.
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by Cathy
New 4 Step Process To Permanently Treat Candida And Yeast Infections
The goal from the very beginning for Stacia Gilbert and her company Candida Yeast Infection Treatment was to create a product that would provide a simple to follow process that would address the underlying causes of chronic yeast infections and health conditions that are caused by yeast infections. After more than 100 hours of research, input from various health experts, and weeks of writing, The Permanent Candida And Yeast Infection Cure was created, and launched on April 22nd 2009.
“I suffered for over 15 years from chronic infections and had tried every drug imaginable to treat them. My doctor couldn't do anything for me, and I was tired of spending hundreds of dollars to improve my health. So I set out to find a 100% all natural solution to my infections, and after more than 100 hours of research, I did just that.” Stacia says when talking about why she created The Permanent Candida And Yeast Infection Cure.
“I wanted to create an all natural solution that anyone could use, was easy to follow, and would permanently treat their infections. Few people realize that their chronic infections are caused by a much deeper problem, and none of the available drugs, and very few of the programs online, offer a total plan to completely solve this underlying problem” she goes on to tell us.
The Permanent Candida And Yeast Infection Cure is a collection of different books all aimed at helping anyone to treat their chronic infections and permanently get rid of the underlying cause, known as Candida. Each of the books focus on a different aspect of the treatment, and the program includes quick reference guides that can be printed out and carried along with you to ensure that everything you buy to eat, drink, and use as a supplement meets the criteria to help get rid of your chronic infections.
Visit www.cure-candida-
Intestinal Yeast Infections - Naturally Curing Candida Overgrowth
Intestinal yeast infections are easy to cure once you know the cause of your infection, and the steps you need to take to successfully rid the Candida yeast from your body. The Candida that causes your symptoms is now a fungus that is feeding on your body's cell membranes, and it also feeds of certain foods that you consume on a day to day basis. Once you have discovered the cause and eliminated everything that is contributing to the overgrowth of this destructive fungus you will regain your good health. Your anti Candida diet Your diet is the first part of your lifestyle you must change in order to rid your body of the Candida yeast. An intestinal yeast infection will continue to get worse while you're feeding the yeast with foods that help it get stronger and help it multiply faster. Fungus doesn't need much for it to spread at an alarming rate so feeding it will allow it to completely take over your digestive tract in a very short time. Staying away from antibiotics and other oral anti fungals Antibiotics are now the biggest cause of Candida infections in the intestines. To keep the Candida from infecting your intestines your body needs a healthy colony of friendly bacteria keeping it clean and infection free. One course of antibiotics will kill all of the friendly bacteria in your body so if you can you need to stay away from taking these anti bacterial drugs while you're trying to cure your intestinal Candida problem. If you have another infection like a urinary tract infection, strep throat or bacterial vaginosis then you can easily cure these with far more effective natural cures instead of using antibiotics. Many people with a weak immune system will get other infections while they have a yeast infection because their body can't naturally prevent itself from being infected. Antibiotics will weaken your immune system so they will make your problems worse before you decide to do the things that will make them better. Natural anti fungal supplements When you kill the yeast in your body you will be using natural anti fungal supplements and herbs. These kill the yeast without causing the side effects of anti fungal drugs. They don't destroy your body's natural chemical and bacterial balance like medications do. What a natural intestinal yeast infection cure will do When you want to successfully cure your Intestinal yeast infection you can only achieve this with a natural cure because of the side effects drugs have on your system. A natural cure will... Kill the Candida yeast living in your intestines Repopulate your intestines with friendly, infection fighting bacteria Strengthen your infection fighting immune system Improve your health and well being Eliminate the need for any anti fungal or bacterial drugs Natural cures for yeast infections Once you get everything right you will successfully be able to cure your intestinal Candida overgrowth. |
Author Resource:- If you need help in curing your intestinal yeast infection you can get everything you need at Cure Your Yeast Infection Naturally |
Article From New Ezine Articles |
Serious Yeast Infection Cure Information And Tips
A variety of chemicals or natural products are available to treat yeast infections. The treatment depend where the infection is located in the body and the state of health of the patient. For examples these products can be used topically, oral or intravenously. These anti-fungal products treat diseases such as athlete's foot, ringworm, candidiasis and vaginitis.
Diflican, Miconazole, Clotrimazole and Ketoconale are one of the most prescribe medication by physician to treat yeast and fungal infections. Many of these chemical products can present serious toxic side effects in the patient health. This chemicals products treat the symptoms but not the root of the condition. Due to the misuse of these chemical anti-fungal medicines many fungal infections are resistant and survive to the treatment. When this yeast infection are resistant to anti-fungal medication leads to the patient need more higher doses of medicines and longer treatment that can affect other system such as the kidney and heart.
When you use a natural yeast infection recipes is very important these medicine eliminate these infection forever. The most important of a natural remedies or cure for yeast infection is remove the root of the problem forever and not only the symptoms. Change your diet, make exercise and avoid eating certain food can be the little thing you need to change to eliminate yeast infection.
Is very important patient know the characteristic of the chemical and natural recipes available. This will help the patient to choose a better medicines to treat his diseases. You can combined chemical and natural products resulting in a better outcome of the infection. To know more information about the properties of these natural recipes you can consult other people. The more important tips to treat any yeast infection with good result is follow the instructions of these natural recipes or remedies.
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Read more about Natural Cure For Yeast Infection Without Toxic Effect this remedies cure the root of the problem not only the symptoms. This Natural Candida Cleanse Products can safe your life. Remember this natural products are cheap.
A Comparison Of Yeast Infection Cures That Can Be Done At Home
How will you discern a yeast infection from another disease? There are a few symptoms that you need to keep in mind for the proper diagnosis of a vaginal yeast infection. The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that yeast infection is a very common thing, so there is no need to panic. Around 75% of women suffer from vaginal candidiasis at least once in their lifetime. It is only when the infections become regular that you need to keep them in check and take strong measures to uproot it. The common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are an unusual thick, white discharge from the vagina, unexplained pain at the time of sexual intercourse and irritation. You will also feel a burning sensation at the time of urination if you are suffering from vaginal yeast infection.
Comparison of yeast infection cures - Some Home Remedies
The first thing which you can use is tea tree oil. It is one of the most effective and common methods of dealing with vaginal yeast infection. You wet a tampon with a few drops of undiluted oil and insert the tampon into the vagina. Tea tree oil is known for the anti fungal properties that it possesses. This should be done twice a day, once in the morning and once during the night. When you are doing this, it should be enough to do this for two days. Tea tree oil is in fact, also being used for research purposes in the use of its healing properties in the cure of vaginal yeast infection. There are however other methods which can be held in comparison to tea tree oil.
You can also use garlic pods in the cure of vaginal candidiasis. This way you can make paste of them and apply around the area where the yeast infection has occurred. This can also be applied to other parts of the body where yeast infection has occurred. Or you can dip the garlic pods in cheesecloth and insert that into the vagina. Though it may burn a bit, the garlic is a very good antiseptic. A comparison of yeast infection cures shows that the tree tea oil can be easily applied whereas; it is difficult to apply the garlic pods. Yoghurt, honey and vinegar can also be applied to the vagina and a comparison of yeast infection cures shows that all of them, especially honey are very effective in coping with yeast infection. - A Comparison Of Yeast Infection Cures That Can Be Done At Home
Many seemingly impossible recurring yeast infections could be cured by the right solutions and methods. The website below talks more about handling yeast infection and candida and can be found at Cures For Yeast Infections
Preventing A Yeast Infection - One Tip For Millions Of Women
Preventing a yeast infection is something thousands of women would like to be able to do, and some on a regular basis. For some women they have the same triggers that start the itching in their vagina and they instantly know they have another yeast infection. What these women don't realize that some yeast infections can be prevented especially if they know what is causing them, and they don't think they can do anything about it. Antibiotics are now the biggest cause of yeast infections, and there's one reason why so many women need antibiotics and that is for a urinary tract infection. Approximately 10 million women in America will go to see their doctor this year with a urinary tract infection. That's 10 million women being prescribed antibiotics to cure their infection. Of those 10 million 30 to 40 percent will need a second prescription because the first one won't cure their UTI. With every course of antibiotics that is taken the chances of a reoccurrence of the infection increase, and so does the chances of being infected with the mutated Candida yeast. Antibiotics destroy your colony of friendly bacteria that live in and on your body. With your beneficial bacteria destroyed your body is open to any infection, and the most common infection after a course of antibiotics is a yeast infection. Your friendly bacteria are also needed to keep your immune system running at full strength, and the weakening of this natural defence system for your body is another reason why the Candia yeast mutates into an infection causing fungus. To avoid using antibiotics for a urinary tract infection you can cure your UTI with a home remedy. A home remedy is not only more beneficial for your health but you'll cure yourself in a much faster time. A home remedy usually works in about 12 hours, and antibiotics will need at least 3 days. If you've used antibiotics a lot in the past then you'll probably need a longer course as the E coli in your body slowly get resistant with every course you take. That includes the times you've taken antibiotics for other infections such as a throat infection. The reason antibiotics need to be taken for so long is they have to kill all of the E coli in your body. Any E coli that are left after you finish your course of treatment will become resistant so if you're re-infected you'll need a stronger course or treatment. A home remedy for your UTI only needs to flush out the E coli that are infecting your urinary tract. There's no need to kill the E coli living in your bowel as they live there naturally anyway. Because you don't need to kill them you don't need antibiotics. If you find you suffer from regular urinary tract infections, and then you get a yeast infection after your course of antibiotics you now know that you have an alternative way of curing your UTI. Most women don't realize this, and know that their next UTI means they need to cure a yeast infection straight afterwards. |
Author Resource:- If you like the idea of using a yeast infection preventing home remedy for your UTI then you can read more information at Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedy |
Article From New Ezine Articles |
Yogurt Yeast Infection
It can be messy, it can drip, and it can feel downright silly and maybe even naughty to be doing this, but to the tens of thousands of yeast infections sufferers yogurt it is the one thing that can stop them from going over the edge.
There are of course other remedies that will work on yeast infections, and raw garlic clove suppositories is one of them, but most people will first try their hand at one of the methods of the yogurt yeast infections cure.
As was mentioned it can prove to be a messy business, so if you are a woman suffering from a yeast infection then you might want to think about wearing a pad to ward off incipient messiness.
For a man suffering from yeast infections the best advice that comes to mind is to try this remedy when you are at home, and where it will not be commented upon if you have a large wet patch on the front of your trousers!
The first choice of many sufferers using the yogurt yeast infections remedy is to go it direct. This entails you applying the unsweetened yogurt to the infected area. For a man, lather your penis lavishly with yogurt, and for a woman, you need to coat the vaginal walls with the yogurt.
This yogurt yeast infections remedy can be done in many ways. The first of which is to use a plastic speculum to open the vagina whereupon you can coat the vaginal walls.
Another method is to use a tampon. All you need to do is to coat a tampon in the unsweetened yogurt and insert into the vagina. This takes care of the whole situation most effectively.
You also have the option of freezing yogurt in disposable gloves, thereby creating yogurt fingers or frozen yogurt tampons. The first time that you insert one of these frozen yogurt yeast infections remedies into your vagina, it is admittedly a bit of a shock, but on the whole it is very soothing.
Of course if these messy methods of yogurt yeast infections remedies do not appeal to you, you can always just do away with it and have your yogurt in pill form. These come in the guise of lactobacillus acidophilus tablets as this is the main ingredient in the yogurt yeast infections cure which helps to fight against yeast producing bacteria.
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By: Rene Graeber
Visit for more articles about healthy eating or yeast infection.
After you Become Pregnant You Have a Good Chance of Getting a Yeast Infection
This is due entirely to the fact that when a woman is pregnant her hormonal balance is thrown completely off balance. This in turn can lead the yeast producing Candida Albicans bacteria to thrive, as you can see with yeast infections pregnancy states of hormonal imbalance, plays a crucial role.
To put it very simply, yeast producing Candida Albicans bacteria thrives and survives in dark places which are moist and humid. Since this just about sums up the state of being for your vagina, it means that yeast infections will normally occur in your vagina although they have been known to occur in the mouth, in the armpits, and between the toes.
Under normal circumstances the bacteria live in your vagina in small manageable numbers, but when your hormones get thrown off balance, these small numbers can overthrow the good bacteria and grow almost exponentially in number. This means that for yeast infections pregnancy is a good state of being for the bacteria to thrive in.
It should perhaps also be noted that since a woman's immune system is weakened during pregnancy to allow the fetus to grow unharmed within the womb, yeast infections pregnancy symptoms can occur more readily and sometimes more than once.
If this happens, that is if you have yeast infections pregnancy recurring symptoms you might want to have it checked out thoroughly just to rule out any other underlying cause.
Most times if you suffer from yeast infections pregnancy makes you more susceptible therefore if your partner also has a yeast infection you can get it again in spite of your having cured the first time around.
It's also true that with yeast infections pregnancy treatments should be carefully looked at before being used to ascertain that they truly are safe to use and that they won't cause harm to the developing fetus, or that they won't cause you to go into premature labor.
This holds true for natural and herbal remedies, as well as for prescription, and over the counter medications as well.
Also, if you believe that you may be suffering from yeast infections pregnancy is something that should be taken into account as well as if you're near to term and want to breast feed.
Breast feeding also takes its toll on your hormonal system and you might find that your yeast infections pregnancy symptoms have carried over post-pregnancy. What you need to do in this case is to monitor the progress of your infection and live a healthy a lifestyle as possible.
Graham Winmill has written a series of articles on the treatment of yeast infections. Find further information on this subject at Yeast Infections Pregnancy
Using Diets To Treat Yeast Infection
Detoxing, that would be the more appropriate term when it comes to a yeast infection diet. Yeast infection is a direct result of an overgrowth in some areas of a natural occurring microorganism, or Candida albicans as it is known in the scientific community. There may be some variations in the suggested diet but most often than not, with a strict adherence to the regimen, it is possible to encounter some relief from the infection in as early as three weeks.
One of the basic necessities in diet programs is drinking adequate amounts of water. Water is an important aspect of detoxing. It helps flush out the toxins inside the body. It has been also suggested that fresh fruit juices and even green tea be added to the liquid intake. But emphasis is given to drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.
It is also important to eat food that is fresh. It would be best to void processed and highly fatty foods, not only for your yeast infection but for your general health as well. Don't overcook your food as well. Foods have a tendency to loose much of its nutrients when heat is applied so be sure to cook your food just right.
Steamed and sauted would be the ideal cooking preparations. Vegetables don't need cooking, just make it a salad and you're ready to go. However, we do suggest that you avoid eating sweet vegetables like carrots, corn, potatoes, onions, and sweet potatoes.
Eat a lot of garlic. Garlic contains antibacterial properties which help in eliminating the overgrowth of yeast. Be generous with your fresh greens and limit your intake of meat. Fish, beef, lamb, poultry and eggs are okay in moderation. It has been suggested that an ideal serving of meat should be no larger than half the size of your palm. Adding more to this portion would be too asking to your digestive organs.
Sometimes there are other foods that you would like to include in your diet. Eating the foods you like will not affect much your diet as long as you eat them in moderation and in relatively small portions. Yogurt is something that you could add as well as small servings of brown rice or buckwheat.
For condiments, sea salt is okay as well as pure virgin olive oil. In fact, you can be liberal with the use of olive oil. Fresh ginger can be a good condiment for your yeast problem as well. Plus you can use it in a number of dishes like salads, tofu, meat dishes, and soups. Not only does it contain properties that might help treat the infection, but it is generally good for your digestion as well.
A good diet to treat yeast infection is a necessary step in the general treatment of the infection. You must learn to be healthy when it comes to your hygiene and the food you eat. - Using Diets To Treat Yeast Infection
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Male Yeast Infection
In these cases medical help should be sought first of all to determine whether indeed a male yeast infection is present. You then have the choice of getting prescription medications to treat the infection or you have the choice of using a natural treatment.
Although most of the natural cures are designed for the cure of a vaginal infection, and not a male infection quite a few, if not all of the remedies can be adapted to suit the male form.
There is also the choice these days of looking into over-the-counter cures for a male infection. Again here as well, most of the medication is aimed at vaginal infections but that doesn't mean that it won't work, especially if the medication comes in cream, or pill form.
These are easy to take and don't involve the use of such things as vaginal suppositories or boluses which are slightly difficult to take as treatment for a male infection!
If in doubt however about these over-the-counter medications you can always ask your doctor whether any of them are right to cure male infection symptoms.
And if you don't feel fully comfortable using any of these over-the-counter cures or natural remedies, you can always stick with good old fashioned prescription medications which also work just as well.
Again, although the medications are aimed mainly at women they are also good in the case of male infection, and if they come in pill or cream form, can be used in much the same manner.
One particular medication which bears some looking into is called Diflucan. It's a prescription medication but you only need to take one tablet. This one dosage is all that's needed to clear yeast infections, and it should work the same for a male infection as well. Again, if in doubt, ask your doctor about this particular medication.
Then again, a few common sense measures can also help to cure, and in some cases prevent male yeast infection from occurring at all.
These include but are not limited to, abstaining from sexual contact and intercourse until the infection has cleared up, and changing your diet to reflect a healthier lifestyle like staying away from refined foods, carbohydrates, sugars, alcohol, fermented foods, yeasty foods such as breads, and red meats.
It might sound tough at first but it can be done, and these measures along with whatever remedy you're taking can help in the fight against male yeast infection.
Article Source:
Graham Winmill has written a series of articles on the treatment of yeast infections. Find further information on this subject at Male Yeast Infection
Male Treatment For Yeast Infection: Causes and How To
Men always stand a chance of contracting yeast infections from their sex partners and therefore the need or male treatment for yeast infection. If you thought that yeast infections are female problems then, think again. The basic problem lies in detection of the disease. Generally such an infection is hardly perceptible in men and the symptoms initially are not very clear. Only when the disease is a very advanced stage and starts to interfere with normal body functioning, do men become aware of the infection. The problem lies in the difference in body structure of men and women. Since women have a vagina, so the infection can be clearly diagnosed from the symptoms of smelliness and thick discharge etc. however, in a man the penis gives no such suggestion that some yeast infection has occurred. So, how do you know when a man has a yeast infection? Causes of the infection, in men The most common cause has already been dealt with and when a woman takes drugs for the condition the doctor advises male treatment for yeast infection because otherwise the woman will contract it again. Other than this, it has been found out that men who drink beer regularly have a tendency to contract yeast infection on their penile skin. Since the temperature on this skin is around seventy degrees so, the yeast spores remain dormant. When this man goes and has sex with a woman he gives these spores to her and they then multiply and play around in her vagina. Next time when the man has sex with the same female, the active yeast will enter his urethra and make its home in his prostrate. So, the man is basically carrying around a ticking bomb of his own destruction. Therefore, as soon as you know of your partners infection, get a male treatment for yeast infection for yourself. Infections can lead to prostrate cancer and other such chronic illnesses. It has also been found out that men get the disease also from certain food and medications that they take for other symptoms. The causes can vary from food products like wheat cakes and corn products to alcoholic drinks and antibiotics. These things, keeping aside the antibiotics really harm the body in a way which go hand in hand with the intake of antibiotics. When you take antibiotics, your bodys immune system breaks down. Now these foods further invite the yeast by producing acidic conditions in your body. This acidity kills the beneficial bacteria in your body leading to possibility of a yeast infection. So when ever you notice the below mentioned symptoms get a male treatment for yeast infection. Symptoms for the malaise, in men Digestive problems are the most common of all problems suffered by a male ridden with this infection. There will be constipation followed by severe diarrhoea and bloating of the stomach. Sometimes indigestion and gas conditions have also been known to be the symptoms. You will have sexual dysfunctionality as well as irritability and a common one at that with no reason what so ever. If your case is such and they dont go away no matter what antibiotic you take, its time for you to take a male treatment for yeast infection. |
Author Resource:- Many seemingly impossible symptoms of yeast infection could be cured by the right solutions and methods. The website below talks more about handling yeast infection and candida and can be found at Cures For Yeast Infections |
Article From New Ezine Articles |
Home Remedies for Vaginal Yeast Infection
Vaginal Yeast infection in women is very common. Yeasts or Candida fungus are minute organisms that live in small numbers on human body. Yeast infection occurs when the number of these organisms increases beyond a certain level.
Typically, the acidity in the vagina keeps the level of yeast low. But with the drop in the acidity level due to various conditions like menstruation period, pregnancy, diabetes or birth control pills, yeast grows and causes the infection.
Symptoms - Mild to intense bouts of itching and burning in the vagina, vulva - the skin surrounding the vagina becomes tender, itchy, burns and sensitive to even the lightest of contact. White, thick and odorless vaginal discharge, burning sensation in and around vagina during and after urination. Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
Causes - Reduced body immunity levels, use of strong antibiotics, physical and mental stress, use of birth control pills, menstrual periods and diabetes are some of the common causes for vaginal yeast infection.
Wear loose fitting undergarments and panties as it allows for air circulation, avoid being in wet clothes for a long time. Dry your affected body parts before changing into fresh dry clothes.
Stay away from deodorant sanitary pads and tampons, sprays such as deos, perfumes, bubble baths, coloured toilet papers that could cause irritation to the vaginal tissues
Take a tampon and dip it into yoghurt. Insert in the vagina at least twice a day and continue a day or two more after your symptoms have gone away.
Few drops of tea tree oil poured on tampon and inserted in the vagina, provides relief.
Eat plenty of foods that are high in vitamin C, such as potatoes, citrus fruits and broccoli.
Fill a bathtub with warm water enough to cover the affected area. Add ? cup or so salt, enough to make the water really salty and ? cup vinegar. Immerse your self into the bath tub for approx 20 - 30 minutes. This is easy cleansing solution for your vaginal area.
Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 2 cups of water with 1 clove of garlic. Let it stand for sometime and use it for douching.
Insert 1 or 2 boric acid capsules in the vagina, keeping it overnight for several days. Boric acid may cause burning and discomfort, but will also bring relief.
Peel a fresh clove of garlic, wrap it in cheesecloth and tie it with unwaxed dental floss and insert into the infected area. Leave it for several hours say overnight and remove it in the morning. If vaginal yeast infection is of a severe kind, do this twice a day. Repeat for day or two more after the symptoms disappear.
Dissolve a tbsp of potassium sorbate in 1 cup of water. Insert a tampon in the vagina and pour this solution inside to be absorbed by the tampon. Let it stay for overnight. Repeat this for several nights until the symptoms have resolved.
Mix olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water. This is a good curative tonic for this infection.
The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader, not the site, and the writer.
Source: Free Articles
Bacterial Vaginal Infection
A bacterial vaginal infection can also be known by the names of a yeast infection, candida, candidiasis, and vaginitis amongst other things. There are probably more names for this particular infection, but it all comes down to one thing. You have a bacterial infection and it's nigh on driving you insane.
The itching alone is something that you could do without, but when you throw in the other symptoms such as vaginal discharge, a burning sensation, rash, possible pain during sexual intercourse and an irritation of the vagina, it's really more than anyone should have to bear.
The problem with this though, is that if you have a bacterial vaginal infection, it is something that you're unfortunately going to have to put up with, at least until you can find a cure for it.
It should also be noted ladies, that even if you feel no pain during sexual intercourse, it might be best to abstain until you're well on the road to recovery. Although not classified as an STD (sexually transmitted disease), it can be transmitted from one partner to the other during sexual intercourse.
This means that your partner, even though might be a male, can still get a yeast infection. In this case of course it wouldn't be a vaginal infection, but instead it would be a male yeast infection, or a penile yeast infection.
It should also be noted that a bacterial infection can be recurrent. What this means, is that even though you might have cleared up your first encounter with this infection, there's a chance that you could get it again.
In fact of the more than 75% of the women who will get a bacterial vaginal infection in their lifetime, many of them will have recurrent bacterial infection symptoms.
That said, there's really no need to worry as in general a bacterial vaginal infection can be cured, or cleared up, with only minimal fuss or bother. There are as many cures for a bacterial infection as there are causes, with the scales balanced firmly in favor of the cures section.
It's only when the infection proves to be stubborn does it take the combined efforts of will power, medication and stringent preventative measures to help a woman with bacterial vaginal infection.
Prescription medications are of course the preferred treatment for many women suffering from a bacterial infection, but there are yet more women who will turn to the route of home remedies to help cure themselves.
By far the most popular of these home treatments happens to be that of applying natural unsweetened yogurt to the affected area. This is one proven method to beat off a bacterial infection.
Since a bacterial vaginal infection normally occurs only when there's a bodily imbalance, you should keep to a healthy lifestyle. Stay away from douches and other products that can create a warm inviting place for the Candid Albicans bacteria to thrive in your vagina.
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Is Neem The Answer To Skin Yeast Infections
Skin yeast infections can occur under the arms, along the inner thigh, under the breasts, under excess fatty folds, in the crease of the buttocks, under finger nails, under toe nails, and in the webs of fingers and toes. Skin yeast infections have been linked with elevated blood cholesterol levels. Humidity, tight clothing, poor hygiene, topical steroids, and other skin diseases can contribute to skin yeast infections.
If you find that your skin yeast infections are coming back frequently, you might try changing your diet to see if certain foods are causing the problems. Intestinal yeast as well as skin yeast is one of the most common, but pain during urination is occurring with many people too, along with intense vaginal and skin yeast infections. Jock itch, toenail fungus, dandruff, athlete's feet, and ringworm, are also very common skin yeast infections. People with infections of the lungs have been found to suffer from skin yeast infections. Remember that skin yeast infections are usually a sign that something is wrong inside the body.
The newest product that is getting great results for skin yeast infections is Gentian Violet. Another very good product for skin yeast infections is Aceium. Most skin yeast infections primarily affect the surface of the skin only, which means that many can be effectively treated with topical antifungal ointments. These common types of skin yeast infections can affect other parts of the body as well. These include mouth yeast infections, penile yeast infections, and skin yeast infections. If you do come into contact with a person who has skin yeast infections there is a very good chance that the infection will be passed to you. The same applies to using the same towel as a person with skin yeast infections. It is highly recommended that you keep your towel separate from all other towels while you have skin yeast infections and until you are cured.
Although it may sound old fashioned you should first soak your infected clothes in boiling water prior to a full laundering as well to thoroughly eliminate all signs of the skin yeast infections. Another thing that you can do if you suffer from skin yeast infections is to gently pat yourself dry instead of rubbing, the places where you have skin yeast infections. For skin yeast infections treatments you will need to ask your doctor what options are available to you. Neem has the versatility to eliminate Candida infections, skin yeast infections, oral thrush, and any other type of yeast / fungal infection.
Overgrowth of candida often produces gas, bloating, skin yeast infections and other symptoms. The symptoms of this include chronic fatigue, muscle or joint pain, brain fog, recurrent vaginal or skin yeast infections, diarrhea, constipation and significant abdominal bloating after meals. These skin yeast infections are fairly easy to treat if you have the right products. Using antifungal creams of the "azole" family of medicines is the usual treatment for skin yeast infections. Skin yeast infections are also relatively easy to diagnose, although it's not recommended that you do so yourself.
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About the Author
Author: Brian McQuirk Can a yeast infection be cured easily and quickly? Go here to find the answer
Male Yeast Infection Symptoms
Although male yeast infection isn't all that common it can happen and in these cases the infection symptoms are generally the same as vaginal yeast infection.
There'll be the same burning sensation when urinating, pain during sexual intercourse, itching of the infected area and in some cases a rash. This rash can either be along the shaft of the penis or on the tip of the penis. Male symptoms also include a burning sensation of the infected area, a slight swelling, and maybe even slight discharge.
If you suspect that you might have male yeast infection you should consult with your doctor. You could try to use the same over the counter medications which are available for vaginal yeast infections, but you might feel comfortable doing that.
There is nothing to say however that you can't use any of the creams or solutions which are used in the treatment of vaginal yeast infections. In fact, in the case of someone having male yeast infection they can even turn to such natural remedies as yogurt to help rid themselves of the infection.
The only problem with male yeast infection symptoms is that unlike for vaginal yeast infections there is no one particular treatment that is designed to treat you. There is also for that matter no one particular test that can be done on a regular basis to decide whether you might have a yeast infection.
There's also the fact you should take into account, that just because you suffer from male yeast infection, it doesn't mean that you have an infection. You can get yourself tested to rule out other causes, and doctors can test you to see if you have a yeast infection.
If you suspect that you might have male yeast infection you should try as far as possible to avoid sexual intercourse as you can pass the infection along to your partner. On the other hand if you got your infection from your partner, then it's still a good idea to abstain as you could pass the infection back and forth between you.
Also if you have yeast infection symptoms there are things that you can do by yourself at home to give you some relief until the medications start to work. The first order of the day is to wear loose fitting clothing.
That means that tight jeans are out. If you go swimming, find a way to change out of your bathing costume as soon as possible. Change your diet to exclude red meats, alcohol, and yeast containing or fermented products.
Try as far as possible to stay stress free as being under constant stress can put a strain on your immune system. And lastly if you feel that you have male yeast infection symptoms don't be ashamed to seek help.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author
Graham Winmill has written a series of articles on the treatment of yeast infections. Find further information on this subject at
Yeast infection, reasons why it attacks mostly women
Candida albicans, that’s the culprit. This microorganism is always present in damp areas in our body. Initially, when everything’s normal, Candida does not do anything to us. The normal balance between good and bad bacteria is usually maintained by our body. However, triggered by outside stimulus, this balance is destroyed leaving the organism Candida free to grow and populate. This overgrowth of microorganisms results to irritation and redness. Itchiness will of course be among the symptoms of the infection.
Why is it more common to women? Even though men have the potential of becoming infected as well, there are several factors in women which increase the risks of being infected. According to some studies, it is estimated that 25% to 50% of women have in their bodies the microorganisms that caused the infection. However, due to the presence of other bacteria, the amount of Candida in specific areas remains tolerable to the body. It is when this balance of microorganisms becomes disrupted that causes the excessive growth of the Candida which is followed by an infection of the affected area.
As the population of Candida grows, so do the infected areas. Stopping the various symptoms associated with yeast infection means addressing the various symptoms, factors, and situations one by one. The cause of the excessive growth of the yeast in that area can be associated with drinking antibiotics. Antibiotics disrupt the presence of other microorganisms that control the population of Candida. This is why yogurt is a recommended application for people with yeast infections. The microorganisms present in yogurt help restore the balance between microorganisms.
Women also have a greater risk of being diagnosed of having yeast infection is due to the estrogen level in women. This is the reason why women who take estrogen-containing birth control pills and those who are pregnant. Women at this stage or those who share the same objectives have very erratic hormonal balance which affects the population of Candida.
Other possible causes of yeast infections include detergents, fabric softeners, feminine and hygiene sprays, and forms of contraceptives like foams or jellies. Getting older might also trigger the growth of the bacteria especially if you are already undergoing menopause. In menopause, the estrogen levels drop which results to the thinning of the vaginal wall making it more susceptible to different kinds of organisms which could lead to various infections, including but not limited to yeast.
Stress is also considered one of the factors that can worsen the situation. An increase in vaginal itching might result to a decrease in the membrane of the outer wall in the vagina which will eventually increase vaginal itching.
Yeast infection attacks mostly women due to the already mentioned conditions. Knowing these conditions and situations may be a good thing to help prevent the infection to develop or spread.
Dr Whiting on Systemic Candida and Yeast Infections m There is probably more misinformation about yeast infections and candida albicans than almost any health topic. Yeast diets, candida diets, along with special herbal formulas for combating yeast and candida infections abound. Yet after 30 years in the nutrition field, we have found very few of these to be effective. Research shows that women, following yeast diets and candida diets, obtain some relief from their symptoms, yet as soon as they go off the restricted diet, their yeast infection and candida symptoms return almost immediately. The only substance ever shown to actually destroy the candida and yeast organism on contact is oxygen. Oral oxygen has proven to be very effective in eliminating yeast infections and candida. Candida diets do not eliminate candida or yeast. Candida diets help reduce the symptoms of candida or yeast, but will not cure the problem. When oral oxygen is used candida diets become unnecessary. Buffered oral oxygen is the only safe way to raise the oxygen levels, but you must take the right formula in order for it to be safe and effective. The Institute of Nutritional Science offers a formulation, which has been used for over 20 years in eliminating systemic candida and yeast without the use of dangerous drugs and ineffective diets. Preventing Candida Overgrowth from Re-Occurring Now that you are once again enjoying a healthier state of being and the synergistic balance of bacteria has been restored to your intestinal tract, it is important to understand what you need to do to ensure that you don't become affected by this problem again in the future. If you need to take antibiotics again, for any reason, do so if needed, but always, always, always, re-implant the healthy bacteria back into the intestines by taking high potency Acidophilus capsules for 10 days after the last day of antibiotic use. If you are female and taking birth control pills, be sure and either consume bacterial foods such as yogurt, buttermilk, or take 2 to 4 capsules of multi-source Acidophilus capsules every day. If you should develop a localized vaginal yeast infection, use three ounces of our premixed oxygen liquid together with 3 ounces of warm water and douche, holding the fluid for 5 to 10 minutes, three times per week. This will likely, catch the problem before it has the chance to spread and once again become Systemic in nature. Males, if you should develop 'jock itch', or other fungal type of skin condition. Wash the genital area with a three percent Hydrogen Peroxide solution, available at drug stores, before and after every intercourse. Lastly, everyone, regardless of your age or health concerns, should be taking a Full Spectrum Nutrition product, which provides the body with at least the 122 known nutrients the body needs to maintain health and internal chemical balance. The Classic symptoms of yeast overgrowth include, digestive disturbances, diarrhea and/or constipation or altering between the two, tingling of the hands and feet, vaginal discharge, repeated vaginal yeast infections, headaches, a feeling of being disconnected with the environment, a spacey out of touch feeling, fatigue, excessive sleeping or insomnia alternating, adult onset allergies, sensitivity to smells, and many other fleeting health concerns. Since the symptoms can vary from person to person, it is important to understand that there can be potentially hundreds of symptoms linked to yeast overgrowth. Dr Whiting Direct number is 1-888-454-8464, Please call anytime.
At Last Infections can be eliminated FAST and For Good, If you are looking for an FAST, Safe, Effective and All-Natural Cure for Yeast Infection.
Natural Cure for Yeast Infection
At Last Infections can be eliminated FAST and For Good.
f you are looking for an FAST, Safe, Effective and All-Natural Cure for Yeast Infection.
Then this is likely the most important report you will ever read.
Dear youtube Friend
Hello my name is Sarah Summer, I am a Health Researcher and the Editor of the medical publication,
I am also a former yeast infection sufferer and know first hand how yeast infections can disrupt a persons life.
Over the next few minutes I want to share with You valuable information you can use to cure your yeast infection.
I want to share with you something NEW and IMPORTANT that I have DISCOVERED.
There are Two Important Truths
1 There are VERY FEW All-Natural treatments for yeast infection that are safe and effective.
2 And there are HUNDREDS of dangerous drugs and internet remedies
I will Honestly explain what works, what is safe and what is effective in treating yeast infection. And I will point out the dangers of other recommended treatments.