Natural Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

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It is hard to avoid feminine health issues. In adult females, vaginal infections are quite common, with the yeast infection the most frequent offender. Pregnancies and yeast infections often coincide. Because of various factors, more pregnant women are infected by yeast and some of those infections may not be easy to control.More technical terms for yeast infection include monilial vaginitis or vaginal candidiasis. A fungi called Candida seems to be the foremost cause for this infection. To be specific, the fungus called Candidas albicans is the fundamental cause of the infection in female genital parts. Even so, you should be aware, that Candida is naturally occurring already, in the body of the woman. The fungus occurs naturally and should not be a cause for alarm.Diet, personal hygiene, and lifestyle, can all be components that add to to the growth of vaginal area fungus. If you consume too much sugar and carbohydrates, the fungus has a lot better chance of surviving and growing eventually causing the full development of the yeast infection. Candida fungus prospers on high blood sugar levels.altering estrogen levels during maternity is the usual cause of yeast infections among expectant women. During pregnancy, the human body creates higher levels of glycogen while the estrogen levels increase. The region will become more subject to the growth of yeast as a result of the glycogen. According to specialists, glycogen might cause the yeast to produce quicker and even allow the fungus to stick on the walls of the vagina.antibiotics will prevent the fungus from developing and spreading. Using antibiotic tablets for extended periods of time can kill both good and bad organisms in your private area. Once the fungus has taken over the area, the body will tend to react to it resulting in an infection.The symptoms that you should look out for include itchiness, irritation, burning sensation, soreness and inflammation of the vagina and surrounding region. These at to the lowest degree are the early on signs of the transmission. Once it advances, you might observe the discharge of an odorless, white, creamy cheese-like liquid. While pregnant having sexual activity can often increase your chances of a yeast infection. You might find that having sexual activity while infected is painful, so you should abstain for a time.The good thing, and I know you mums are already dying to know, is that yeast infection does not have any negative effects on the baby inside the womb. The infection will not impact on the ongoing physcial and mental development of the infant either.Another good thing is that treating a yeast infection cases in expectant women is the same as with the remedies available to regular cases. Moreover, you should contact your physician because you may not know of any effects the medication for yeast infections may have on you. Your physician may even prescribe an over the counter antifungal for you. Specific products exist that are intended for fighting yeast infections in females.

If you find the information above educational and useful, read more about pregnancy and birth at and have a look at pregnancy work out.

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by Cathy
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